Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ahhh... the view from my back porch


  1. I love the high key of the snow with the contrast of the branches and tree trunks!

  2. This is gorgeous, Lindsay. Very simply but it has so much movement and I definitely agree with Torii about the contrast.

  3. I love this shot! So Calming! When I look at this image I start to imagine the cold air, the sound of limbs snapping from the weight of the snow and the snow falling to the ground.

  4. Awesome! Visually stimulating and soothing at the same time. Indeed, a nice view.

  5. This is a very nice shot. I like the focus, its a very calm looking shot. Wonderful view to have from your porch!

  6. Sometimes the view from the back porch is often over looked but possibly one of the best we will see all day! Love the contrast and proper exposure.
